Life Choices Book It’s Never Too Late

Life Choices Book It’s Never Too Late

From the beginning of Sandy’s decision to become a singer at the ripe age of four; it was obvious she would not be satisfied to sit quietly while others did the work around her. Sandy has always been full of energy, a positive, uplifting type of personality, whose smile lights up the room. Travelling around the country at eighteen with a nine piece show band, she was fascinated by the variety of people, places and the multitude of life experiences at her fingertips. From then until now Sandy has been travelling, learning, exploring and living what most would consider a fascinating life. For Sandy it has been about the journey; where each day took her; whether it was onstage in front of an audience; out in nature hiking connecting with Mother Earth; designing clothing or homes or creating artwork; or studying about herself through inner work, psychology, astrology, physiology or philosophy. In the Life Choices Book It’s Never Too Late, Sandy takes her audience into one of the areas she discovered along her way. She began writing down her dreams at twenty-nine; revealing insights into her subconscious and ideas that would lead her to writing songs, creating art and how to Discover the Diamonds Hidden in Your Dreams.